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Monster school

Videogame project in the upper grade school  of mage and sound CES.

The objective of the project was to create a video game with clear and defined mechanics.



To make the game we were guided by Isaac adapting it to our own aesthetics.


  • Color one of the characters, gameover drawing, the menu and parts of the trailer

  • Create sprites and backgrounds



I was in charge of createing and coloring the bathrooms and the classrooms.


When the lineart was done, I was in charge of coloring it.

Story drawings

When the lineart was done, I was in charge of coloring some shots of the trailer.


When the lineart was done, I was in charge of coloring it.



A group of brave heroes immune to  the virus trying to get the cure for the infected people who have been transformed. These heroes will try to recover the peace on Earth.

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